
February 24, 2011

Kau Murabbi Bukan Selebriti!

Murabbi itu ialah pelajar. ~ Picture by kuzuryo of DeviantArt

Leaders are learners - pemimpin adalah individu yang sentiasa belajar. Begitu saya diingatkan berkali - kali. Malah, satu ungkapan yang sering menjadi pegangan saya ialah saat kita berhenti belajar saat itulah kita akan berhenti memimpin - when you stop learning, you stop leading. Ya, walaupun saya bukan pemimpin dalam skala besar tetapi saya adalah pemimpin diri sendiri. Hakikat ini mengingatkan saya kepada perbualan bersama Pak Long - -orang tua kampung saya pada minggu lalu.

"Kau asyik mengajar sahaja, bila kau belajar?" tanya Pak Long pada satu hari.

Saya diam. Saya tahu, Pak Long bukan bertanya sebenarnya tetapi dia mengingatkan.

"Apa yang kau tulis dan cakapkan tu, betul - betul sudah kau amalkan?"

Saya bertambah diam. Selain ayah, Pak Long adalah orang yang paling saya hormati, malah saya takuti (kadang - kadang). Namun begitu, Pak Longlah tempat saya 'ziarah' apabila ada sesuatu keputusan, kemusykilan atau kecelaruan berlaku dalam episod hidup saya. Sejak saya masih di sekolah rendah, hinggalah kini Pak Long adalah guru saya.

"Saya hanya penyampai Pak Long. Apa yang saya tulis dan cakap merupakan gugusan pengajaran yang bukan hanya diambil daripada pengalaman diri tetapi juga orang lain. Saya juga berharap apa yang telah saya sampaikan, dapat juga saya amalkan"

"Jangan hanya berharap, usaha!" pintas Pak Long.

"InsyaAllah" jawab saya pendek.

"Bagus tu, Jangan menulis diri sendiri. Ingat pesan ni, orang yang bijaksana menulis tentang ilmu. Orang yang cerdik menulis tentang peristiwa. Orang yang pandai menulis tentang orang lain. Hanya orang bodoh menulis tentang diri sendiri"

Saya mengangguk perlahan. Dalam maknanya kata - kata Pak Long kali ini.

"Pak Long lihat ada kecenderungan sesetengah penulis asyik menulis tentang dirinya. Begitu juga pnceramah yang asyik bercakap tentang 'aku'nya."

"Tapi Pak Long, tak salah kalau pengalaman itu dapat dikongsi dengan orang lain. Malah itu lebih real daripada apa yang dialami orang lain"

"Betul. tak salah. Tetapi jangan keterlaluan"

"Kenapa Pak Long?"

"Sebab, kekuatan ilmu itu lebih ampuh daripada kekuatan peibadi. Biar pembaca atau pendengar bersandar kepada kekuatan ilmu yang diketengahkan, bukan kekuatan peribadi penulis atau penceramah itu sendiri"

"Kenapa Pak Long?"

Pak Long merenung tajam, Dia faham kali ini saya bukan hanya menyoal tetapi mempersoalkan.

"Pak Long lihat, penulis atau pendakwah masa kini tidak syumul dari segi personalitinya. Tak payahlah Pak Long huraikan secara terperinci, muhasabahlah diri masing - masing"

"Maksud Pak Long, golongan ini banyak kelemahan?. Biasalah Pak Long. Siapa yang sempurna? Adakah hanya apabila semuanya sempurna baru kita boleh berdakwah?"

"Tidaklah begitu. Tetapi biarlah pendakwah sekurang - kurangnya lebih sempurna sedikit daripada golongan yang diserunya"

"Kalau tidak?"

"Masyarakat akan kecewa, apabila melihat figur - figur yang mereka kagumi malah ingin teladani tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan"

"Pak Long, sejak dulu kita diajar bertoleransi dalam hal - hal yang begini. Pendakwah tidak sempurna seperti 'bahan' dakwahnya. Begitu juga Islam, dengan umat Islam. Islam sentiasa hebat, tetapi Muslimnya adakalanya hebat adakalanya tidak, bergantung sejauh mana mereka mengamalkan Islam itu sendiri"

"Hujah lama" balas Pak Long.

"Tapi mash relevan, Pak Long" saya seakan merayu.

"Kalau hujah tu berputar - balik begini macam mana.. Ya, kalau Islam itu sentiasa hebat tetapi umatnya belum tentu. Jadi kalau begitu, di mana letaknya keupayaan Islam dalam menjana kehebatan umatnya?"

Sahih, saya terperangkap. Seperti biasa hujah Pak Long akan bertambah gagah, kalau disanggah. Justeru, kerana itulah saya selalu 'melawan'. Pak Long bukan guru - kau diam, aku cakap! Tetapi dia adalah guru yang demokratik - prinsipnya : Mari sama - sama kita cari kebenaran.

"Kau tidak pernah terbaca tulisan Dr. Yusuf al-Qardhawi tentang keluhan seorang intelektual Barat yang baru memeluk Islam? Apa keluhannya?"

"Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperkenalkan aku Islam sebelum aku mengenal Muslim.."

"Tau pun. Jika intelektual itu kenal Muslim, mungkin dia tidak tertarik pun untuk memeluk Islam. Jadi dari segi tertib, siapa yang nak kita perkenalkan dahulu? Muslim atau Islam?"

"Islam Pak Long" saya akur. Tunduk.

"Ya, itulah maksud Pak Long. Pendakwah atau penulis, mesti mengetengahkan prinsip dakwah, Islam dan tarbiah, bukan input peribadi atau personalitinya. Bawa orang kepada Allah bukan kepada diri, bawa orang kepada Islam bukan kepada produk atau kumpulan"

"Terima kasih Pak Ling, selalu - selalulah ingatkan saya"

"Ingat pesan Pak Long ni, pendakwah adalah murabbi bukan selebriti!!"

(Pesanan Pak Long yang akhir itu sampai sekarang masih 'menikam' saya!)

Dipetik dari : Nota Hati Seorang Lelaki karya Ustaz Pahrol Mohd. Juoi

February 8, 2011


Golden silence? ~ Piture by fr-ae-nk of DeviantArt.

Are you talkative? Articulate maybe? 

I’m also chatty, articulate, loud and expressive. Since I was a little boy, there is one thing that made me reflect and I’ve tried my life to follow it but I just can’t. It’s hard.

What is it?

It’s being silent. 

When I learned the truth behind this, I tried to keep quiet although I’ve failed many times. It is proven that when I practice this in my life, I feel more relaxed and calm, more time to think and contemplate. In other words, I feel like the time is with me, like life is really mine.
The truth is, human talk non-stop. There are only two types of conversations. The first is discussions that bring harmony to mankind. The second is bad conversations that are non-ethical such as lies, gossip and etc. The people who implement the second type of conversation are usually hated and detested by others. These people are the worse people in the eyes of Allah. Rasulullah said:

إنَّ شَرَّالنَّاسِ مَنْزِلةً عِنْدَ اللهِ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ مَن يَتْرُكُهُ النَّاسُ لِاتِّقَاءِ فُحْشِهِ
Truly the worst position of man in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is those left by others in order to avoid their cruelty.” [1]

The tool that is used for talking is our mouth or tongue and it is a very influential tool. Have you ever come across the Malay proverb about your tongue? 

“ Kerana pulut santan binasa, kerana mulut badan binasa”
“ Terlajak perahu masih boleh di undur lagi, terlajak kata terlepas begitu sahaja”

For those who do not understand Malay Language, to make you understand, these two proverbs simply mean ″Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.”
This shows that our tongue can impose a great impact on our life for both good and bad.

For believers, the tongue that Allah has granted them will not be used to curse people but each and every word that comes from their mouths are words that calm the ears. Allah has said in the Quran:
33. Who is better In speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, “I am of those who bow In Islam”? [2]

The importance of handling our tongue well

Let us ponder some of the hadiths of Allah’s apostle about the importance of handling our tongue well.

1. A hadith narrated Abu Musa:
Some people asked Allah’s Apostle, “Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?” He replied, “One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands.”[3]
It is stated in this hadith that the one who avoids harming Muslims with our tongues and hands are those who possess the best of Islam in them. But what happens if our tongues and hands are not restrained from doing harm, does that mean that we own in us the worse of Islam?

2. It is stated in a hadith narrated Abu Huraira; that Allah has no need of someone’s fasting due to his bad words:
The Prophet said, “Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink.” [4]
Can you imagine, Allah has never accepted your 30 days of fasting during the month of Ramadhan? If you are now 30 years old that means you have fasts for 900 days. And all that 900 days, Allah has not accepted, not even a single day of you leaving your food and drink! This is all because of you not restraining your mouth from talking bad words to others.

3. Let’s ponder another hadith narrated by Sahl bin Sa’d:
The prophet said, “whoever guarantees me (the chastity of) what is between his legs (i.e. His private parts), and what is between his jaws (i.e., his tongue), I guarantee him paradise.” [5]
In order to enter Paradise, just mind your words!

Say what is good or keep quiet

For you to shield yourself from talking bad stuff, you have to say good stuff or just keep quiet.

A hadith narrated by Malik
“Who believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet.” (i.e. abstain from dirty and evil talk, and should think before uttering).[6]

A quote by Hukama’:
“Being quiet doesn’t indicate that you’re stupid, being articulate doesn’t show that you’re bright, someone who is intelligent only speaks whenever is needed too is far better than a dim-witted who talks all the time.”
Being quiet here does not mean you have to freeze all the time and speaks whenever spoken too but say what is enjoined and forget what is forbidden. By doing this, every word that comes out of your mouth is 3M — Meaningful, Memorable and Mesmerizing. 

The time is with us when we keep quiet. We can save time by thinking thoroughly about something rather than chatter all day long. When we talk, we are remembering people about Allah. This is because “A mukmin when talks are Zikr and when quiet is Fikr.” By doing this, it gives tranquility in our mind and heart. That is why we see people who owns this criteria seems to be very calmed, relaxed and looks confident and every word he utters are momentous.

The most significant of all when we keep quiet is that it safeguards us from doing sins. This is because the sins contributed by our tongue alone can throw us in the hell fire. Haven’t we known the fact that our tongue has no bones? That is why it can move freely as if it has a mind of its own.

So what now?

Train yourself to talk less.

Towards a better quality of life Inshaallah. Less talk, think more. Silence please!

[1]Al-Bukhari (6054 and 3132), Muslim (6539)
[2]The Holy Quran. Surah Fussilat verse 33
[3]Al-Bukhari.Book 1.Volume 2. Hadith 10
[4]Al-Bukhari.Book 8.Volume 73. Hadith 83
[5]Al-Bukhari.Book 8.Volume 82. Hadith 799
[6]Bukhari.Book 8.Volume 73. Hadith 157

Taken from : Langit Illahi By Ameen Misran